Contact us
Important Instructions
By answering as many questions as possible on this form, you could ensure that your issue is resolved in the least amount of time AND potentially save yourself significant money.
If you can't provide the answer/info for any of the following questions it would be to your advantage to leave the form and get the information and come back and complete the form later. A delay of a day or two (to gather info) may save you hundreds of dollars.
If you are not sure how to find information, or what the form is asking for, hover over the name of the field for more info. We also provide links at the bottom on how to get some the information needed.
If you are not the organist who regularly plays the instrument, please include the organist's name and contact information where requested so that we can communicate with them also about details about the problem.
We provide this form with the hope that we can solve your issue quickly and at the lowest cost to you possible.
NOTE: If you are just providing updated information, just complete the basic contact info (indicated by *s) and then add the updated information.
Additional tips and instructions
Instrument Brand
Your organ should have a plate mounted somewhere on the console area that shows the name of the organ brand. For Allen organs this is a white plate that is usually mounted just above the top manual in the center.
Model Number / Serial Number
Allen organs have a metal plate that includes both the model number and the serial number. The plate is silver with black ink (the model/serial numbers are stamped into the metal with no ink). You will find it under the top lid of the console or under the console (above your knees when playing the pedals).
The best way to share this info is to take a picture and upload it here (or email it to and include your name and church/organization info).
Privacy Policy
If you would like to know more about how we use your information and handle it, please review our Privacy Policy:
- 61KeyService
- Box 9207, Saint Paul, MN 55109
- +1 (612) 208-7910